About the crew

About the crew of SY Wake…

Well, we’re a weird little bunch!  Three queers living our together-life and loving each other (loving life, too, except when seasick), and three cats who have no moral compass whatsoever.  Here’s some stuff about us, so you believe we exist:

That's us!


Ciao, y’all! I’m Davi, nominally the Captain of the good ship Wake (although between Kitty and Cristina, I get outvoted with more frequency than I’d like to admit). I’m 41, was born in Libya to Hungarian refugees, and have traveled the world on foot, motorcycle, VW bus and whatever else can move a body around (90+ countries and soon to be 90 more, thanks to this contraption).  I love to cook, swim, dive, drink Prosecco and squirt kittens that are misbehaving with one of the 5 ‘medicine bottles’ we keep onboard Wake just for this purpose. In another life I’ve written a book, gotten an MBA, started a business (gourmet jams and jellies), placed 2nd in the world in trick billiard shots, skiied every other day for an entire winter, rode horses and dove for abalone and sea urchins and played jazz piano in various dives around Australia. I am currently on my 4th midlife crisis. Thank you for your time.

Hello, I'm Davi....


I’m Cristina!  So I was born in Moldova, which used to be Russia, which used to be Bessarabia….don’t bother trying to find it on a map, it barely exists, which is why I escaped to Italy in 2000. I’m 34, and speak six languages fluently and used to work in the hospitality business, so naturally I’m Wake’s fixer: there isn’t much I can’t do. I love to swim (although I’m afraid of seeing the propeller underwater, and the snorkel mask feels like the facesucker from Aliens), dance and be naked as much as possible. This is my first long adventure on a sailboat, so I’m completely terrified. I can’t wait to set sail!

Hi there, I'm Cristina!
Hell yeah!


So I’m Kitty!  I was born in Colorado in 1984, the daughter of a librarian and an astrophysicist; I spent my childhood reading, playing with my brothers, climbing trees, and committing misdemeanors.  Though I earned my degree in the History and Philosophy of Science at Colorado State University, a dope subject I will discuss at any moment, writing is my real jam: my first book, Logodaedaly, or Sleight-of-Words, was released by Wolverine Farm Publishing in 2011 (under unpronounceable pen name Erzsébet Gilbert).  I’m also way into studying the atomic bomb, depressing postmodern literature, all things Galileo, the Jedi, Hobbits, quantum physics, and everything to do with outer space.  Stats: I had 2 brain surgeries, traveled to 53 countries, am debatably 5’3”, have 14 tattoos, and own appx. 2000 books.  I can smell static electricity (I swear to christ I can) but I really don’t know shit about how to sail.  Since writing is pretty much the only thing I can do, I’ll be the chief Historical Researcher/Blog Bitch on this site, too…


Yo.  I'm Kitty


So that’s us!  Possibly there is also a ghost on the boat, but everybody knows you can’t photograph them.



Three cats, three queers, endless love in an endless world